Lower Great Southern Women's Golf Association
coaching program
To raise the profile of women's golf throughout the Upper and Lower Great Southern Districts
To provide support to beginning, longer and lower handicap women golfers throughout the districts
To enhance the physical and mental health of women golfers in smaller communities
The support golf clubs in smaller communities by helping grow their member base
How do we do this?
We run 4 beginners events throughout the golf season across the LGS district. During 2018 these were held at Kendenup, Mount Barker, Riverview and Albany. These events include a 60 minute coaching session run by community coaches, a modified 3 person 9 hole ambrose competition with a mentor and two beginners in each team and a shared lunch.
We offer one off clinics to interested clubs. During 2018 these have been run at Broomehill and Borden.
During 2018 the LGSWGA funded a clinic targetting non beginners. This run by Donna Crouch
Coordinator - Anne MacKay
Community Coaches - Barb Madden - AGC, Christine Randall - DCC, Marlene Provost - AGC, Dorothy Laffin - AGC, Eugenia Pearce - Narpanup, Judy Little - AGC, Anne MacKay- AGC
WA Golf Foundation supports this initiative with a grant which covers travel costs for coaches. Simple trophies are supplied by private sponsors - often golfers who started through the program.
We must acknowledge the time and effort made by all coaches and mentors...without them nothing could happen.
Clinic and 9 Hole Ambrose Event at Mount Barker
Eleven golfers from the Great Southern took part in a clinic and then a modified ambrose, with mentors, at MBGC on Friday 19th August.
The weather was kind, we had sunshine and gentle breezes and the rain came as we were driving home.
Thank you to our new sponsor Mount Barker Cooperative who are providing local wines as winners' trophies throughout 2019.
Congratulations to Polly Edwards, Robin King and Dorothy Laffin and thank you to Deborah Murphy the sponsorship coordinator.
October winners...Robin Gibb, Judy Little, Annette Stewart with Anne MacKay. You win...then you have to make a speech
Mini clinic with Ian Redmond on handling the slopes at AGC
Mentors and participants enjoying th e sunshine at AGC
The final Beginnner's Clinic and 3 person modified ambrose was held at Albany Golf Club on Monday 29 October. Twenty eight participants with14 mentors and coaches enjoyed an excellent day. The weather was very kind, the course was beautiful, the food was amazing and everyone learned something thanks to Ian Redmond, Albany's Director of Golf, who gave us some handy tips on handling the many and varied slopes at AGC.
Thank you to AGC who gave us a warm welcome and access to the course at no cost and also Lesley Wiles who organised an excellent lunch