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Lower Great Southern Women's Golf Association
2019 LGSWGA Winners

Sharon Dawson - Denmark
36 Holes Silver Country Champion 2019 Country Week

Carol Chilcott - Mount Barker
36 Holes Nett Gladys Hawkes Cup
2019 Country Week
Lady Court Trophy Rural Bronze 2019

Marion Nelson from Denmark winner Provincials Tournament Gross 2019
Lesley Owen from Denmark Britannia Cup Winner Regional Seniors 2019

Lisa Taylor from Kojonup won the Brenda Wittenoom 36 hole event at AGC.
Shirley Dempster & Maria Amesz (DCC) were the Best Women's Team at the Denmark Summer Classic with 81 Stableford Points
Debbie Coombs & Lesley Owen (DCC) runners up at Denmark 81 points with Toni Hunter - sponsor

Wendy Ferguson (with Pauline Ruoss Ladies' Captain AGC) was the Gross winner at the Albany Classic
RU Gail Kneale ACG
Nett winner Sue Burgess AGC
RU Sally Trevenan AGC
Toni Hunter and Glenda Waugh winners of the ACG Womens Invitational 2019

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